Monday, May 23, 2011

Hysterical Health Post... & Pizza!

Did you guys read this post on Gluten-Free Girl & The Chef? I've been thinking about it all week. It's so true, isn't it—that going gluten-free, while limiting your gas station snack options, really opens up your palate. How it really can be a healthier way of eating, when done properly. "Safety in vegetables" could be our new motto! Wasn't it Michael Pollan who said to shop only from the perimeter of the grocery store? We have that built-in: I can eat practically nothing from the center of my local supermarket. And that's a good thing.

It's not even really about the gluten. Well, for me it is, and for you too, probably. But white flour is really quite disgusting. Bulk flour used in commercial baking has bleach and antibiotics in it. Bleach? Bleach? And what about potassium bromate? From Wikipedia:

"Potassium bromate has been banned from use in food products in Europe, Canada, and some other countries. It was banned in Sri Lanka in 2001 and China in 2005...In the United States, it has not been banned... Instead, since 1991 the FDA has urged bakers to voluntarily stop using it. In California a warning label is required when bromated flour is used."

I first read about this on a little sign at Mozzarelli's, a health-oriented pizza joint on 23rd Street. I was SHOCKED. I already view gluten as a sort of poison, but now... well, geeze. I look forward to a day when our ingredients list really tell us what's inside a product—not just the allergens, but the toxins, too. That will make eating healthy REALLY easy. In the meantime, we'll have to stick to foods which don't need a label. So I'll see you at the farmer's market, since even our fruits and vegetables have stickers on them now. Or see you at Mozzarelli's, for a slice of gluten-free (or un-bromated spelt flour, for you regular-stomached people) pizza.

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