Monday, September 13, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies

...from a box!

The other night, after a long chilly and rainy day, I was in serious need of dessert. It is no longer ice cream weather here in Brooklyn. OK, it's always ice cream weather, but I wanted the smell of something sweet and warm in my kitchen. I wanted the oven on. I wanted something crumbly and melty in my mouth. Even at the little, sub-par Key Foods down the street, they had these mix options on display.

[They also had Bob's Red Mill mixes and flours. The pancake mix is my absolute favorite but I do think that any of the mixes which contain garbanzo bean flour taste like... beans. I would recommend shying away from the baking mix and the cake mix - but going for the gluten-free oats, flours, and pancake mixes of his!]

Another gluten-free friend had recommended Betty Crocker's chocolate chip cookie mix a few months ago. I had already made both cake mixes (vanilla, chocolate) and they were both lovely albeit a little greasy (I would use a little less butter than 'she' recommends.)

I made half the batter and refrigerated the rest to use later. The dough that was refrigerated the longest turned out the best. I know that is a cookie trick - 24 hours of chilling does something magical to the dough. The cookies baked til a GOLDEN brown turned out the best - any less cooked and they simply crumbled apart. The crunch was marvelous with a cup of tea.

Happy Autumn!

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