Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Coke Float

Listen, folks. It's going to be 91 degrees in NYC tomorrow. I'm talking hit the drug stores now to stock up on SPF 60 and coconut water.

Second choice - a caffeinated twist on the Brown Cow: coke float! Sometimes it's just the thing you need to get your engine running on a humid afternoon - a little caffeine, a little high fructose corn syrup, a little dairy. You won't be disappointed.

Serves 2, with second helpings and the potential for leftover ice cream (an unknown concept in my apartment.)

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, which is strange because I dislike both individual ingredients. (REGULAR coke and VANILLA ice cream...not all soda and all ice cream OBVIOUSLY) But together...a sweaty summer's eve sweet dream.
